Experience Machon L’Yahadus through our unique Summer Evening Learning Program. For six weeks in the summer, study with renown Machon L’Yahadus faculty. Choose from Jewish Law, the Structure of the Holy Temple, Chassidus on the Torah Portion and Maamer (Chasidic Discourse). Weeknights from 8-9 pm in person at the Machon L’Yahadus dormitory or on Zoom.
To register or for more information email [email protected]
8:00 – 9:00 pm
Wednesday, Tammuz 4/July 10 –
Thursday, 18 Menachem Av/ August 22, 5784/2024
Monday - Rabbi Binyamin Baras: Laws of the Holy Temple/Hilchos Beis HaBechira
Tuesday - Mrs Chana Nemni: Halacha
Wednesday - Rabbi Dovid Sholom Pape: Sichos
Thursday - Rabbi YY Greenberg: Maamer
The Summer learning and classes are dedicated Lilui Nishmas Yehudis Bas Yosef. Yahrzeit is on the 16th of Nissan.