Chassidus (Tanya)
Level 1
Build a strong foundation in the central text of Chabad chassidic philosophy, the Tanya. Learn the essential terms and concepts of the Tanya that provide a roadmap for life and answer essential personal and existential questions.
Chassidus (Ma’amer)
Level 2
Study a selection of foundational ma’amarim in Chabad Chassidus from various Rebbe’im and gain an appreciation and understanding of core chassidic philosophy. Full texts are provided and most of the ma’amarim are translated line by line. Common terminology is emphasized and the main ideas and practical applications from each section of a ma’amer are discussed.
Moshiach and Geulah
Level 1
Gain a strong understanding of Moshiach based on Torah sources and learn to recognize the facts versus the myths. A thorough study of the Rambam on Moshiach, as well as sections of Gemara and the Prophets will provide knowledge and develop a firm, sound belief in Moshiach and a feeling of excitement about the unprecedented times in which we are living.
Moshiach and Geulah
Level 2
Learn significant sichos (talks) of the Rebbe and what they teach us today about Moshiach and the Redemption.
Level 1-A
Cover the ins and outs of halachos in the Kitzur Shulchan Aruch that apply to our day-to-day lives such as saying brachos, prayer, blessings.
Level 1-B
Study the 39 melachos in depth, their sources in Torah, and all of their practical applications.
Level 2-A
Study halachos such as brachos, Shabbos, and our holidays in depth. Learn the different opinions raised in halachic texts and the reasoning behind the way the halachos come out.
Explore different scenarios and how halacha handles each and every situation.
Level 2-B
Study the laws of kashrus in depth, starting with the separation of meat and milk and progressing to topics such as cholov yisroel.
Level 1
Study the basic meaning behind the words of the daily prayers as well as the concept of prayer in general. Based on a variety of Torah sources.
Level 2
Delve deeply into the words of our siddur and explore their meaning based on a variety of Torah sources, particularly emphasizing Chassidic insights.
Jewish Home
Level 1
Learn about what running a Jewish home day to day entails and how to best accomplish filling the role of akeres habyis, the foundation of the home. Gain an appreciation for the beauty of the role Jewish women are given. Discuss the Jewish dating process, what to expect, and how to determine what you need in a relationship.
Jewish Home
Level 2
Acquire vast knowledge in the subjects of chinuch (education) and shalom bayis (peace in the home) based on a variety of Torah sources and Mrs. Pape’s experience as a counselor and mentor. Develop an appreciation for what the feeling and values of a Jewish home should be and how to foster them, as well as ideas for how to approach a variety of common issues in parenting and in relationships.
Level 1
The text of the Chumash is used as the basis for attaining the basic skills of reading and translating Hebrew. Emphasis is placed on acquiring a basic vocabulary in Hebrew that will enable the student to understand and translate the text of the Chumash. Students who cannot read Hebrew are privately tutored until they can be mainstreamed into the Level 1 Chumash class.
Level 2
In this class students will learn how to read the Hebrew “Rashi script.” They will learn how to understand the question that Rashi, the foremost commentator on the Torah, is asking, and why he is asking the question. The emphasis in this class are for the student to advance in translating verses of the Torah from Hebrew to English and to read and translate Rashi from the original Hebrew into English.
Level 3
Delve into Torah commentaries on the parshas of Vayetzei, Vayislach, and Vayeshev or Miketz, Vayigash, and Vayechi. Students at this level are comfortable reading and translating Torah pesukim, reading Rashi script, and understanding mefarshim and work on practicing and improving their skills as the year progresses.
Chassidic Way of Life
Level 1
Explore the elements of leading a chassidic life through Torah sources. Chassidim are defined by their prayer, song, joy, esoteric teachings of the Torah, relationship with a Rebbe/Tzaddik, love for fellow Jews, going beyond the letter of the law, and belief in miracles. Discuss the history of the various Chassidic groups and their practices in relation to these categories. Learn what the Torah tells us about Tzaddikim and why a relationship with a Tzaddik is so essential to the Chassidic way of life.
Pirkei Avos
Level 1
Learn the text of Pirkei Avot, the Ethics of our Fathers, the main place in the Torah that sets up a moral and ethical code which defines positive and negative traits. Pirkei Avot relates oral tradition and laws involved in the appreciation of Torah.
Prophets (Navi)
Level 1
This course covers the Biblical books of Esther and Ruth. Students study the basic story of the Megillahs with additional commentaries and insights added by the instructor.
Prophets (Navi)
Level 2
This course covers the two Biblical books of Kings I and II. Students study from the original Hebrew text.
They learn about hundreds of years of Jewish history and since “history repeats itself” they also gain insights that apply in today’s world.
General Knowledge (Yedia Klalis)
Level 2
Newly added to the curriculum for 2015/2016 school year, the Yedia Klalis course will familiarize students with general knowledge in the subjects of Tanach, Tefillah, Eretz Yisrael, the Jewish calendar, Bais Hamikdash, Gematria, Pisgamim and Jewish history.
Level 1 & 2
Using a curriculum specially created for Machon L’Yahadus, each topic in the Mishna and Gemorah will be studied from its sources in the Torah all the way through to its practical application in day to day Halacha.
Yom Tov Al Pi Chassidus
Level 1
This seasonal class takes place in the fall as a preparation for the month of Elul, the High Holidays, Sukkos, Shemini Atzeres and Simchas Torah. Students study the more basic Chassidic insights into this holiday season. Similarly, before Passover, Pesach Al Pi Chassidus is taught.
Yom Tov Al Pi Chassidus
Level 2
This seasonal class takes place in the fall in preparation for Elul and Tishrei and again in the spring before Pesach. Students acquire a more in-depth understanding of the Yomim Tovim according to their inner meaning.
Jewish Life Cycle
Level 1
The Jewish Life Cycle class begins at birth and takes the student through every major and minor Jewish milestone in the life of a Jewish man or woman. The focus of the class is to have a basic knowledge of the various customs and laws associated with these lifecycle events.
Thirteen Principles
Level 1
In this one semester class, students study the Thirteen Principles of Jewish Faith (Yud Gimmel Ikrim) derived by Rabbi Moses Maimonides (Rambam) from the Torah. These Thirteen Principles are the fundamental pillars of the Jewish faith.
Jewish History
Level 1
An overview of Jewish history from the creation of the world until the present times. For one semester, students will take a whirlwind tour of Jewish history, learning fascinating fact and meeting outstanding personalities along the way.